Monday, January 6, 2014

The best unintentional prank I've ever pulled

Tonight I pulled the best unintentional prank of my life.
If you don't know this already, we make tea buy running water through our coffee pot (obviously without coffee) and... wah-lah! Hot water you can pour in your cup for tea...
Ok, so my husband had his cup of tea, left the coffee pot with half a thing of hot water... Perhaps for later? Who knows. Whatever the case, I thought he was done... HAHA. I did, really. I still can't stop laughing about this... Anyway, I thought this was the perfect time to clean out the coffee pot... As in: run half water, half vinegar through the coffee pot... I then got carried away making dinner and forgot all about the vinegar waiting in the coffee pot.
Yeah, by now I'm sure you know what happened... LOL. If you really can't guess, I'll tell you.
Dustin decided to come upstairs for a second cup of tea. *AHHH* I heard him scream and say "OK! What did you do to my tea?!?!" *here's where I bat my eyelashes* and I say "Well honey, you just drank vinegar tea!" I start laughing uncontrollably and continue on with "You did say you wanted to make sure you don't get sick... I was only helping you out!" I am an awful wife, I know haha but I am STILL laughing about this.
Could you imagine taking a sip of what you think is black tea and finding out with that sip that it's half vinegar water?! Poor guy, he totally handled it like a champ and even laughed about it :)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Off Line Adventures

          Many of you have asked why I took an almost three month “Facebook break”. While I would love to give you a simple answer, I’m not sure a simple answer is really possible. The last few months have just been crazy to say the least and to be honest, a number of things lead me to my decision to disappear for a while.
        It all started in June, we had a couple of friends from Utah and their children stay with us for a couple of weeks – It was a lot of fun but let me tell you, having 12 people (8 of which being children under the age of ten) in a home that is used to holding only four, got pretty crazy at times. :) Shortly after they left, my mothers home burned down, leaving her and my siblings with nowhere to go. Luckily we had an extra room and were able to take them in for a while, my mom and my two youngest siblings lived with us for about two months. My mother and youngest brother are currently staying in a hotel (by choice) closer to where their home was, and hoping to have a new home and hopefully a job in the next few days.
     My youngest sister is still living with us as we gave her the choice to stay here and finish out the school year while my mom gets back on her feet, so far she is loving it. Add to all of that a few personal issues and Destiny starting preschool, getting kids registered and settled back into school, etc and you get one heck of and ending to summer! I could barely keep up with things at home which meant I definitely didn’t have time for Facebook or a blog. :) I am just  now adjusting to having a very lively eleven year old girl in the house and trying to find “me time” again haha! So that is the story behind my mini disappearance. :)


Sunday, September 15, 2013

The White Queen : My Opinion

If you're a Starz fan you have probably heard of the fairly new series "The White Queen," at first glance I thought "ohh this looks like a woman's version of Game of Thrones." Which if you read my post on the Game of Thrones you will know I don't think too highly of that particular TV show. You can read that blog here if you are curious. I was curious to see whether it was a spin off of the Game of Thrones series or different all together so I gave it a shot.
What did I think? It was definitely not just a spin off of Game of Thrones, thank God. The beginning was a little hard to follow (though that may have been because I wait to watch TV until my kids are asleep and by then I am ready for bed too haha), but definitely got better as the episode progressed. I believe it is set in 1464 and the country has been at war for a while, fighting over who the "rightful king" of England is wether it is a man from the York or Lancaster side of the family after the throne was forcefully taken by a man named Edward IV. Though as this is going on you meet a woman who's husband died in battle defending one side and she is left as a widow with children living back at home with her family. She decides she's going to try to win over the king (whom her husband died fighting against) and marry him - I believe only for bettering her family's position and fortune - against almost everyone's wishes. It is a very interesting show, granted there seems to already (in the first episode) be a lot of manipulation and craziness.
Unlike the Game of Thrones series though I don't believe this one is quite so degrading to women and there is definitely nowhere near as much nudity or awful language. I am told there are only ten episodes and there wont be another season because it was only meant to be a one season show, I have also been told that much of this show is real/really happened. I have been recording the episodes to my DVR, I am definitely interested to see where this one goes.

If you love books as much as I do you can also read the books that this show came from: Check them out here.
*This opinion is based on only the first episode because that is the only one I have seen so far.*
Until next time,

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Casting For The City Of Bones Movie : What I Think

If you know me then you would know that I am IN LOVE with the Mortal Instruments and Infernal Devices books. You would also know that I am incredibly disapointed in the casting decisions made by the casting crew associated with the upcoming film: The City Of Bones. So incredibly disapointed infact, that *wait for it* I DO NOT WANT to go see it in theater!
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the people they have casted for the movie aside from the fact that a few very important characters are all wrong for the part... Mostly in the "looks" department. For example we will start with Clairy, unless they plan to digitally change a whole lot about her before releasing the movie I just don't see how she fits Clairys description of being "Five feet tall with curly red hair, green eyes, pale skin, and freckles." or delecate and as the book described "awkward". Lilly Collins is a very powerful looking female with brown hair, brown eyes, and no freckles. See image below:

Now why couldn't they dye her hair red and give her some green contacts at least? I believe someone a little more like this woman below would suit "Clairy" much better:

Of course they might have to get a curling iron and curl her hair a bit, I don't know if that would be asking too much of them ;)
Then we have Jace... Is it just me or does this guy theyve casted look a bit.... Well not like Jace....?
I mean sure he could ALMOST pass as Jace with the description "Jace has fine wavy dark golden-blond hair and dark gold eyes. He has a slim, muscular build, and is about 5'11". His face is described as being pretty and angular, and Clary often refers to him as beautiful and leonine, with a narrow mouth. His eyes were much lighter in City of Bones, Ashes, and Glass; Clary describes his eyes and hair are darker in City of Fallen Angels." I dont know but I don't think I would describe Jamie Campbell Bower as "beautiful and leonine" I would probably describe him with words more like "grungy and wild... maybe even dirty". Again, nothing against the man, I just cant see him as Jace nomatter how hard I try.... I see someone more like Alex Pettyfer:
 Granted again they would need contacts or something, and maybe thats just too much to ask beings that they couldn't change Jamies blue eyes either?
Now we have come to Magnus Bane... Ohh yes, the great and powerful Magnus.....
...Ohh wait... Maybe he's not so powerful afterall? Here is his description: "Magnus Bane is described as being of Asian descent because his mother was Indonesian and his father is a demon. He is also said to be long and lean, but not skinny, with lightly muscled arms and an inch taller than Alec. He has brown skin and black hair that is usually spiked, colorful, and glittery. He wears all kinds of make-up, such as glitter around his eyes and lipstick. (He is also described as having more makeup than Isabelle Lightwood in City of Glass.) He likes to flaunt his sexuality by wearing rainbow leather pants and other flashy accessories (such as a blue sparkly headband). Isabelle once said he was a "sexy, sexy, warlock" whereas Simon Lewis countered that Magnus "looks like a gay Sonic the Hedgehog" and dressed, "like the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang." He is also described as having gold-green cat eyes (his warlock mark), and no belly button." Wait! Did you SEE THAT?! "He is also said to be long and lean, but not skinny..." I don't know what you call "skinny" these days but this man looks starved. Maybe they will surprise me afterall with this guy... One can only hope right? Add brightly colored makeup and glitter and maybe he can pull it off? Where is his makeup in this image anyway? Shouldn't it be there since it is such a huge part of him and his "gay" appearance?? Regaurdless, so far he fits his character more than the Lilly Collins & Jamie Campbell Bower duo. Kudos there.
I am ok with Kevin Zegers as Alec Lightwood, the only thing I MIGHT change would be just shortening the hair a tiny bit/style it better but still I am ok with that.
Robert Sheehan as Simon is a no go for me though. Sorry, just not happening.
First, I didn't imagine him with weird curly hair... He looks like he belongs in the National Treasure movies.... I imagined him a little more - kid next door, relaxed... Well just normal..... Now, moving on... Jocelyn Fray:
Again, where is the long red hair???? Where is the elegance? Am I missing something? Lena Headey is definitely not who I saw as Jocelyn. Lets move to Valentine - The best yet... *cough cough*
Now seriously did they even READ the book?! Are they even TRYING?! Here in case you havent read the book or just cant seem to remember let me give you Valentines description "Valentine is said to be tall and very handsome. He is broad shouldered and has light blond, almost silver hair. He also has black eyes." BLACK EYES - NOT BLUE. LIGHT BLOND ALMOST SILVER HAIR - NOT BLACK! Please!!!! Someone, tell me how they got the idea for Jonathan Rhys Meyers playing Valentine?! AGAIN no offence to the guy, but seriously... Maybe next time Cassandra Claire will worry a little less about a payout and think twice about who she's selling the movie rights to... Do a little research and add stipulations. On a lighter note I'm not entirely ticked with Connor Mclain playing Sebastian:
Atleast his hair is right.... Though again what happened to having BLACK eyes? I think this is the only casting decision I am totally ok with and an even bigger bonus is the fact that Connor Mclain is a fan of the books!
All in all though I am totally dissapointed and stand firm on not wanting to waste money to see it in theater. I will wait until it comes out and find it on "On Demand". If they tanked this badly in the casting department I'm ok with waiting to be disapointed by the story line they probably wont try too hard to follow too. My advice: if you havent already, go pick up the books instead, you won't be dissapointed.
I am sorry if you don't agree with this post, these are simply my thoughts. All images used are not my own, I got them all from

Thursday, June 20, 2013

An Update To My Last Blog: A Little Surprise and The Most Incredible Experience

I honestly don't even know how to start this post, things have not gone exactly as planned over the last few weeks. It's like dejavu - I was just talking about how my plans and God's plans were a bit different in my last post "A Little Surprise and The Most Incredible Experience"... Well it seems that when I think I am starting to understand what He has planned for my life He reminds me that I will never fully understand just what His plans are.

I went in to my "first" prenatal OB appointment for this pregnancy Friday, June 7th and my doctor couldn't find the baby's heartbeat. She assured me that this sometimes happens because the baby is so small still and can hide pretty easily but she wanted to get me in to have an emergency ultrasound done just so we could put my mind at ease and I wouldn't have to wait all weekend for some answers. Unfortunately that ultrasound didn't put my mind at ease, instead it relayed information I didn't want to believe. The first words out of the ultrasound technician's mouth were that she was not allowed to say anything one way or another and that I would have to wait for the radiologist to go over the scans and get back to my doctor. That alone told me that the news wasn't going to be anything I wanted to hear. Don't they know those words are a dead giveaway? Then when I asked if she was able to find a heartbeat and she said "No but the radiologist is much more experienced and will talk to your doctor about the results so we don't know anything for sure until then" It only confirmed what I refused to believe.... After seeing my little angel on the monitor, not moving and waiting for what seemed like an eternity I got the call from my doctor. There in fact was not a heartbeat, and I was only waiting for my body to realize that the baby was no longer alive. I was waiting to have a miscarriage. She told me what to expect and what to look out for. I prayed for days for them to be wrong, for there to be some sort of miracle and for my baby to be alive and ok inside of me.... For a whole week I was torn between wanting the miscarriage to happen already if it was going to happen, being completely torn apart and wishing and praying for it all to be some sort of mistake, and for this horrible experience to be some sort of nightmare I could wake up from, not wanting to believe it to be true. For a whole week I could do nothing but wait for the most horrible day of my life yet, and cry, and be angry and ask over and over again "why??". I had just seen the baby's tiny heart beating almost 7 weeks before all of this. Why was this happening??? HOW was this happening?!

... And it all finally happened. Friday, June 15th. I don't want to get too graphic on here but I will tell you, I could not have, in a million years, imagined a more horrific or emotional experience. It has been five days now, almost a whole week, since that morning and I still can't go a day without remembering every last detail. Without wondering why, how and was it my fault??? Everyone tells me that it wasn't and that there was nothing I could have done to prevent it but I can't help but wonder anyway. I can't go a day without thinking about that little boy that I will never get to hold in my arms. I will never get to see him take his first breaths of air, smile for the first time, take his first steps... I will never get to know the little person I had growing inside of me for almost 14 weeks... I know to a lot of people 14 weeks isn't a long time, but it is just enough time for an "embryo" (if you read my last post you know I use that term lightly) or rather baby to be fully formed.

I don't believe God had a greater plan or that it just wasn't meant to be, because if that were true I don't believe I would have gotten pregnant and held that baby inside of me for almost 14 whole weeks. I don't know why this happened and I probably never will. I don't know if I will ever stop thinking about what happened on a daily basis or stop being so angry or upset, but I do know I will never forget. I would never wish that experience on my worst enemy and for anyone out there who has or is going through the same thing, I know there are no words that will make it better but I'm sorry. <3


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Little Surprise and The Most Incredible Experience

I have been DIEING to write this post! If you haven’t found out already, we are expecting baby #3 in December! Surprised?! Yeah, so are we! Don’t get me wrong, I REALLY wanted another baby, just not quite so soon… I mean Serenity is getting ready to go into first grade and Destiny into preschool… I kinda had “other plans,” or so I thought anyway haha! Isn’t that how these things seem to work though? Apparently God has something a little different in mind…
So now we get to the most incredible experience, you know, aside from becoming a mommy all over again… Seeing a 6 1/2 week old embryo’s baby’s heart beat *April 18th*… Yes, I got to see both of my daughters heart beats on an ultrasound screen but never as early as six weeks! After being pregnant for only a month and a half – Six short weeks – That little life inside of you (that a lot of “prochoice” people refuse to call a life *or even a baby*) has a beating HEART. It is the tiniest little flicker of pixels on a screen, but still a beating heart nonetheless. Getting to see this so early for the very first time completely blew me away. I knew by 6 weeks a baby has a heart, but seeing it beating makes it so much more REAL. I was even more blessed to not only be able to see this with my own eyes but I had a wonderful ultrasound tech who gave me a CD with a little video showing the tiny heartbeat.

*maybe I will post that video later Winking smile *

Now not only do I get to be a mommy to yet another little energy syphon but I recently found out I get to share the joys with a good friend Cassondra who is going to be a mommy for the very FIRST time! I am SO excited for her! I am also so excited that we are due so darn close together… Try December 1st (her) and December 9th (me)! *No this was definitely NOT planned haha* I am not looking forward to the blood tests, in my opinion that is worse than labor haha!!! I am however looking forward to finding out weather we are having a little boy or another little girl. SmileEither way I’m ok as long as it’s a healthy baby.

Until next time,


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Game of Thrones from my perspective

So, we were recently invited by Dustin's work to a private premier of the new season of Game of Thrones (season 3 I believe?), not only a premier but a chance to meet a couple of the cast members. We had never seen the show before (we rarely watch HBO), so when his supervisor told him it would be “unprofessional to go without having watched the show before” we decided to give it a shot. I borrowed it from my cousin and we sat through a whole hour long episode last night, and as cool as our offer sounded in the beginning, we are now very undecided on whether or not were going to go. game of thrones
I couldn’t bare to watch the whole episode. I have never felt so violated in my life and I had to turn away from the TV a few times. I’m sure this is where those of you who watch the show will turn your heads and close my blog but just hear me out. To me, in watching the very first episode of Game of Thrones, I felt it was definitely a “mans” show, about very jealous, disrespectful “men” seeking more power than they deserve. I can’t think of any reason a self respecting woman would enjoy the show (please if there are any of you out there, leave me a comment and share your perspective, I’d like to try to understand). Not only did I feel violated from sheer lack of respect given to women in this episode, but I also have not watched a show with so much nudity! HAHA! Now I probably sound like a total prude, I can assure you I’m not, and again I have only seen the first episode of this Game of Thrones show. I’ve been told it gets “better” but I doubt the plot can get much better and I don’t think I can enjoy watching a show that brings women down so much.
I honestly thought I would like it, so I’m a bit disappointed. I love watching shows set in different time periods and even different cultures. I think it’s interesting to see how different things were and what people were like, etc. I didn’t know I would feel so violated afterword. I just don’t exactly enjoy watching unwilling women get “screwed” *for lack of a better word* by whoever, when ever, as if it’s some sort of game. I don’t find that entertaining and Game of Thrones seemed to have a whole lot of that and even embrace it. Don’t get me wrong, I know that women didn’t really have “rights” back then, I get that. I understand you cant base a show on that time period and give women in the show the whole “equal rights” deal. It just wouldn’t work. At the same time I felt there was just far too much.
So, my major issues with game of thrones are the lack of respect for women *the fact that they are treated like objects only there for sex willing or unwilling which seems to be mostly unwilling in this Game of Thrones show*, and that there is SO much nudity. I can deal with violence and some nudity and even pure jealousy lol. I guess I thought that it would be more about the “Game of Thrones” and less about defiling women… I didn’t know those two went hand in hand.
So, again if anyone out there who watches Game of Thrones would like to inform me of WHY they like it I am all ears and willing to hear you out. Maybe there’s something I’m missing in all of this? Maybe the first episode was not the best episode to represent the whole series? Until next time,